The Mud Wrestling Pit. At first Booster was reluctant to add mud wrestling to the venue - but after the initial charm of dancing in the same spot where Superman dozed off during monitor duty wore off, sales began to slip. It was Robin suggested the addition, although he would later go on record stating he meant the suggestion "sarcastically." The fact that he fronted Booster just over two grand to finance the redesign casts some doubt on his motives, however. As does his nearly nightly patronage of the pit. The first night featured a Tag-Team match between the Wonder Twins and Wendy and Marvin. Wendy disqualified her team by throwing a sponge at Zan, whose water form was absorbed by it. Still, the crowd loved it, and the Pit became a regular feature. DJ Piper, pictured at left, often takes time from his busy schedule to MC from ringside. The tower to his left is one of the three spotlight platforms that provide both lighting and strobe effects to the whole Hall.
Crowd participation is encouraged - everyone likes to get a little dirty at the For the record, the transformation from Hall of Justice to Hall of a Good Time is a pretty straightforward one. Since the HoJ is mostly empty space the only "replacements" that had to be made were the Justice Statue/top of the Troublealert and the central conference table. Everything else is just added on to the existing structure. Here's a shot of all the extra goodies in one place:
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