At Flash's recommendation, Booster hired the out-of-work Pied Piper to serve as DJ for the Hall of a Good Time. It was the right choice - on the weekends it's standing room only in the Hall. The shot below is from 2:00pm on a Tuesday - and people are STILL dancing. DJ Piper knows his craft. We've already talked about Catwoman's cage and the two backup cage dance areas, but just to the sides of the poker table are two new "spotlight dance" areas. Giant fans are in place under each grate to give unwary dress-wearing patrons a taste of what Ms. Monroe went through. It's all part of the Floor Show at the Hall of a Good Time.
But sometimes good music, dancing, porn and poker still aren't enough. When you've exhausted every other late-night draw, there's only one place left to turn. Mud Wrestling. Read on, if you dare. Hall of a Good Time Navigation: << First Page < Previous || Next > Last >>