From the outside, the Hall looks about the same - maybe a little more neon than before, but that's just to be expected. The first real changes you'll notice confront you as soon as you enter the building. Gone is the "giant barn" feeling - the place is packed, with things going on in almost every corner.
The central conference table is gone, replaced by a giant poker table. The computer banks along the walls now have dispensers for just about every mixed drink known, as well as beer-on-tap from several galaxies. But those are small cosmetic changes compared to the new "dancer cages" that hang down from the upper walkway. The statue of Justice has been replaced as well - who wants to look at a boring old statue when you can have Catwoman doing a cage dance every night? Every now and again you find some of the old Super Friends wandering around, dazed and confused with the new look to the Hall. Green Arrow reportedly loves the changes, while the Flash is a bit more uptight about things. Batman has been known to fake passing out to get a better view of the dancers. The Troublealert has also seen better days - it's now wired directly into the Playtoy channel. (All naughty toys, all the time.) If you're not in the mood for poker or porn, there's always dancing, as we'll see on the next page. Hall of a Good Time Navigation: << First Page < Previous || Next > Last >>