Sometimes you've just got to build what's in your heart.
The Mini-Mizer V3
All new, all different, all singing, all dancing....well, it's a new version anyway.
Check out how my artistic skills have grown since version one.
Create yourself!
The Mini-Mizer
This it it! The one that started it all - the world famous Mini-Mizer. With it, you can create little LEGO-esque versions of yourself, loved ones, hated foes, and movie stars!
There's even a "Kid Safe" version designed for young kids (no guns or cigarettes, and certainly no hidden adult easter egg section. Oh no.)
Mainstream Version | Kid Safe Version
Block Head
Here's a Mini-Mizer spin-off that lets you concentrate on creating the best head of your life.
Create yourself!

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All Content ©1986-2009-through the End of Time by Christopher Doyle |
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