Church of the Flying Spaghetti
Guided Tour

The roof of the church has two major features - the air conditioning system and the giant, spotlighted, rotating figure of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Let's take a look at the air conditioner first.

An attempt was made to keep the noodly feeling going even when dealing with something as mundane as duct work. Still, the CoolBrez 1701 is the most advanced A/C unit on the market.

Here's another angle on the A/C unit. And a teasing view of the real reason we're looking at the roof.

The real star of the show, obviously, is this giant replica of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Mounted on a rotating axle, the Monster slowly turns to survey the surrounding land and sea. A series of spotlights on the roof promise that, day or night, the Flying Spaghetti Monster will always be shown in the best light possible.
But enough of the exterior! Let's go inside!
Continue the Tour!
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