Church of the Flying Spaghetti
Construction Photos
I first decided to build a Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster while
looking for something to focus on after I completed Serenity.
I had been watching the developments at Venganza.org
with some interest, and decided to see if there was a way I could get
On the morning of September 9th, 2005, I wrote to Bobby:
My name is Chris Doyle, and I run the website
I recently completed my latest "big"
LEGO project (a 1:55 scale model
of Serenity from the Firefly TV show), and was searching for a good
topic for my next building endeavor.
To that end, I'd like to build a LEGO brick
church of the Flying
Spaghetti Monster. There's precedent for other religions getting their
own LEGO church (http://www.amyhughes.org/lego/church/index.html
one of the best ones) but so far FSM has been woefully overlooked.
I read the "Acceptable use" section
of your FAQ, but thought it best
to contact you directly, just in case. Projects like this tend to take
a couple of months to complete, and I'd hate to get near the end and
then find out you had a deep seated hatred of all things LEGO, or
Hope to hear from you,
Chris Doyle
Later that day, I heard back:
sounds AWESOME. Please please send me pics
when it's completed. I'll
link to your page as well, if you like. :)
The project was a go!
I spent the next couple of weeks working up ideas for floor plans
and scale, and by the 20th I had filled a couple of pages full of doodles,
as well as mapping out a pretty decent idea of the final layout. I had
also spent another $150 or so on arch bricks and rubber tubing.
The original layout of the temple complex - including parking and an idea of how it could fit in to a larger LEGO display. The final version would have many changes - mainly to fit the completed model on the card table where it was built. The end result was still too large to fit through the door (or window!) in my LEGO workshop.
Each square is a 32x32 stud standard LEGO base plate. |
As usual, I've broken this section into several pages to
help with load time. Just follow the links to keep reading about the construction process, or chose another topic and jump ahead.
Click to continue
on to the start of the building process...
Construction Pages: [ 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 ]
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All Content ©1986-2009-through the End of Time by Christopher Doyle |
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