Class Four Entry Grid
The Death of Jar Jar Binks Vignette
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Entry #11
By: hyatehyuuga
zombie fried chicken
More Photos: Flickr
TK-1420: this doesn't even have Jar-Jar in it, unless it's implied that the chicken leg is a Jar-Jar part.
Chris: TK, maybe the skelleton is supposed to be Jar-Jar? Probably should have disqualified this one. |
Entry #12
By: DarthNick
Jar-Jar goes Trick or Treating
After falling into the Sarlacc pit and narrowing escaping, Boba Fett kinda went mad, and vowed to kill Luke Skywalker for causing him to fall in it. So, when Jar-Jar Binks showed up at his door in a Luke Skywalker outfit saying "Meesa want your Trick or Treat", let's just say Boba didn't have any treats for Jar-Jar...
Link to Additional Images: Flickr
TK-1420: good photography- I like the shadow
Entry #13
By: Nioco
Jar-Jar's head is not edible !
Even for the monstruous Halloween spiders, Jar-Jar's head is not edible !
link : MOCPages
TK-1420: excellent build & concept. A front-runner for sure.
Mary: I just like the way this looks. |
Entry #14
Jar Jar Bink's wife!
I bet you never knew that Jar Jar had a wife now did you! Well it’s the truth. Jar Jar found chatrooms and found this awesome woman whom had the same interests as him. She sent a photo of herself and boy was she hot! Jar Jar Binks wanted to get married immediately! During the wedding ceremony when Jar Jar was supposed to kiss the bride, she revealed herself to be an ugly undead alien. Jar Jar was so terrified that he took the commander's gun and shot himself in the head till his head broke to pieces. The clone remembered the picture that Jar Jar showed him and than he looked at the wife and said "She looked so much hotter in that picture!" The commander said "dude that was a picture of Queen padme" The clone that looked to the undead alien and responded," Wow Queen Padme, you still look hotter in the picture than now!"
link: Brickshelf
Chris: Another convulted story from pr0visorak. Makes my head hurt.
Entry #15
By: Dr.Miniman
Jar-Jar Binks+ fart = BOOM
Jar Jar ounce tried to light a fart in the bomb warehouse. To bad for him.
Gallery: Flickr
TK-1420: I can't help but laugh at the brick depiction of a lit fart.
Entry #16
By: Mr. Meep
The Successful Hunt
After a long day hunting in the forests of Naboo, our Clone Trooper friend has a relaxing evening by the fire.
Additional images: Brickshelf
TK-1420: Very attractive scene here.
Stephen J. Sansweet: Very stylish and tells the story at one glance!
Chris: His gentle LEGO smile tells the tale.
Mary: Extremely clever and well done. |
Entry #17
By: Andrew Colunga
The Raven
Description: "While Jar-Jar sat there napping, suddenly there
came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at his chamber
'Tis some visitor,' he muttered, `tapping at my chamber door -
this, and nothing more...'"
inspired by Edgar Allen Poe's poem 'The Raven'
Link to more photos: MOCPages
TK-1420: a nice vignette, but we need to see Jar-Jar DIE.
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