Entry #11
By: Greg (Lantern Rouge)
After falling to the Dark Arts side of the force, Luke trades in his X-Wing for something a little more appropriate.
Link: Flickr
TK-1420: Lots of cool stuff on the wing tips
Stephen J. Sansweet: Clever. Great use of color.
Chris: I like the Skull-Astromech. The teeth on the front give a nice "Dragon with an Underbite" look. |
4th place, Class One Rankings
Entry #12
By: Dave Lartigue (Flickr: daveexmachina)
The Ex-Wing Fighter
Not everyone who didn't come back from
the Battle of Yavin...didn't come back. Dead Leader and his trusty
astromech RBoo-DBoo fly forever through the galaxy bent on revenge!
Flickr Set for more photos: Flickr
TK-1420: very good execution of a bone-build
Chris: A nice, subtle and spooky redesign.
Entry #13
Marauder Class Republic Gunship
This is a modified Republic Gunship stolen by four renegade clones.
the clones were brothers, hand picked by Jango for Secial Opps
training. After his untimely death, the brothers sought to continue
their father's lucrative business of people trafficking. They
modified the traditional gunship to have a ton more armor and
weapons. That wasn't enough though. They wanted to strike fear in
those who were most unfortunately still alive to see it coming. They
wrapped the remains of a Rancor around it, fitting its jaw to the
nose section and ribs to the rear bay. The clones themselves stole
the armor they wear from brothers they killed in battle. They still
wear their Rancor chest plate to differentiate themselves from their
more civilized brethren.
More can be found on...
Flickr - http://www.flickr.com/photos/30373030@N07/
MOC Pages - http://mocpages.com/moc.php/78705
TK-1420: good build, but doesn't particularly speak of Halloween to me.
Entry #14
By: pr0visorak
mini death v-19 torrent.
The separatists finally found a way to dispose of clone prisoners. By putting them into this thing, the torrent sucks their blood, organs and skin till they become skeletons and they use it as fuel. Oh the horror! The thing driving it is not a droid. It itself is a living zombie skeleton!
Link: Brickshelf
TK-1420: Spooky, but it doesn’t really look like a Star Wars vehicle.
Chris: Creative build, but a bit far from Star Wars in theme. |
Entry #15
AT-RT (All-Terrain Reanimated Walker)
One of Emperor Palpatine's first
Sith sorcery experiments after disbanding the Republic was this
modification of the standard AT-RT clone scout walker. Harnessing dark
energy to reanimate the skeletons of ancient Sith war beasts,
mechanical components were grafted together with the bones to
create terrifying mounts for Palpatine's secret early forays into the
"Dark Trooper" project.
Link: Brickshelf
TK-1420: another good bone-build
Entry #16
By: hyatehyuuga
doom-v wing
More Photos: Flickr
TK-1420: nice spaceship model, but I don't see either the 'spooky' or the 'Star Wars'
Chris: I guess the white color sort of looks like a bone-build if you squint. Sort of. |
Entry #17
By: Sava Radovic
Jack'o'Skull Fighter
TK-1420: very Halloween-y!
Chris: One of the few models that have a strong H'ween theme. I like the teeth, but would have preferred a rounder build. |
Entry #18
By: Paul
Halloween Landig Craft
This is a new "Mini Imperial Landing Craft" re-designed specially for Halloween
Gallery: Brickshelf
TK-1420: it's a good mini, but doesn't much say 'Halloween' to me
Entry #19
By: Nioco
Grevious' Sleepy Hollow Starfighter
Grevious has just turn Halloween style !
link : MOCPages
TK-1420: I'm not sure what's up with all the whips, but they are definitely spooky. Kudos to the use of Greivous, I really expected to see him in a lot more entries.
Chris: Only two horsepower? (Kidding - it's a clever build, but shouldn't Grevious be without his head?)
Mary: Grievous would SO be buddies with spiders! |
5th place, Class One Rankings |
Entry #20
By: tananavalley
Last Snowspeeder on Patrol
In the cold howling winds of Hoth some say you can hear a lone snowspeeder on patrol waiting for the return of the Empire. Even in Death these rebels have never given up the fight.
Link to more pics: mocpages
TK-1420:Nice story, and a good build. Could have used a bit of orange, though.
Chris: I agree with TK - either a bit of orange or a more "tattered" look would have pushed this one up a notch. Great concept, though. |