Class Two Entry Grid
Spooky Scene
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Entry #21
The Battle of Endor
The Ewoks decided to scare the clones away in last years Halloween costume.
Gallery Link: Flickr
TK-1420: Ewoks don't need costumes to be scary to stormtroopers!
Entry #22
By: Legoholic
Trek Through Dagobah
As Luke and R2 trek through Dagobah in search of Master Yoda, a mysterious, carnivorous creature attempts to grab them.
link to gallery: Brickshelf
TK-1420: nice rendition of a swamp
Entry #23
By: Jaron "Tervlon" Janson
It's Worse
When the clones and their Jedi commander follow their mechanical enemy into the rocky canyon things go from bad to worse.
Link to Flickr: Flickr
TK-1420: good Clone Wars scenario
Entry #24
By: Sebastian Sand (der seb)
Luke, help me take this mask off
TK-1420: Excellent!! Exactly the sort of spooky scene I'd hoped to see!
Chris: Very nice!
Mary: I like to think that Luke's father might have been a pumpkin… |
2nd place, Class Two Rankings
Entry #25
By: Dr.Miniman
Hoth on Halloween
Trick or treater 1: Trick or treat!
Luke: Sorry we don't have any candy. But we have tons of Wampa meat!
Trick or treater 2: You mean we came out here for nothing!
Gallery: Flickr
TK-1420: Wampa meat is scary…
Class Two Grid
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