I was inspired by a post on the LiveJournal LEGOs Community to create Reasonably Clever's first contest of 2006! THE CHALLENGE:
The problem? Well, at the $5 level, there's not a lot of bling on that mech. It's very functional - but not very stylish. The solution? Pimp my Mech. Take whatever LEGO bricks you want (but they have to be LEGO parts! No MegaBlok nonsense) and trick out this Mech. You can do whatever you'd like - but be aware that entries will be judged on the following criteria:
THE DEADLINE: HAS PAST! Entry Deadline was Midnight, March 31st. THE PRIZES: Judging will be by some of my non LEGO-addicted friends, so don't worry about being up on the latest building techniques or themes - they wouldn't be able to recognize a "Star Wars Shooter" to save their hinders, and "Wheels as Engines" is still a fresh concept to them. In short- this contest really is open to everyone! Master Builder and tinkerer alike! 1st Prize: $50 LEGO Shop-at-Home Gift Certificate! So you can buy more LEGO. 2nd Prize: YOU GET NOTHING. You LOSE! Good DAY, sir! (A Reasonably Clever tradition for second place finishers!) 3rd Prize: $15 LEGO Shop-at-Home Gift Certificate! 4-6th Prizes: Your pick of one of the Bag-O-Bricks Mini-figures THE WINNERS: The winning entries will be announced on April 8th!
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