Pimp My Mech: Contest Entry #8: Uplink
and Firewall
Place |
Faithfulness to Original Model
(50 Points)
(30 Points) |
(20 Points) |
Points |
Comments from the Judges |
3rd |
46.33 |
22.50 |
16.67 |
85.50 |
LexPendragon: Brilliant!
Aiela: This was a pretty creative idea. It achieves it pretty well, too - the pieces all look like
part of one fluid unit
Moominmuppet: Great concept and execution, although I'm not sure it quite fits the theme
Bec76: Interesting concept
Chris: I like the nesting doll effect - fun engineering here.
Entry by: Jeff
Here it is! I figured a Mech piloting a Mech would be real trick!
So Here goes... Ryo pilots Uplink, which in turn pilots Firewall.
I put arms on Uplink so it could control Firewall. Then I
made Firewall look close to what Uplink looked like, but on a larger
Regards, Jeff.

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