Pimp My Mech: Contest Entry #11: 7708-Pimped
Place |
Faithfulness to Original Model
(50 Points)
(30 Points) |
(20 Points) |
Points |
Comments from the Judges |
12th |
31.17 |
22.5 |
15 |
68.67 |
Bec76: Looks like it could kick some serious ass
Aiela:The blue flames were a nice touch, especially with the chrome. Looks really different
than the base model, though
By: Nathan Proudlove
Well, here it is! 7708 pimped! Increased foot articulation (z-axis pivot,) beefier leg armour, lower profile shoulder armour with better coverage, fiber-optic laser cannon, (why should the big boys get all the cool toys,) and a more powerful powerplant add up to one bad mother(shut your mouth.) It actually looks like it could give Stealth Hunter a run for its money, don't you think? Of course, no mech is properly pimped without some gratuitous chrome, am I right?
Bonus modification, the pilot can now actually reach the control levers.
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