Pigs on the Wing: Class One Entry Grid
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Entry #51
By: Spitfire
This the racer piloted by Artemis the Ant. it is going to be used in the upcoming race.
Link: http://mocpages.com/moc.php/60069 |
Entry #52
By: thwaak
jws-1 Trawler
Thornton, the
shark, has tried many cave racing models over the years, but he always
came to the same conclusion: "We're gonna' need a bigger cave racer!"
Link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/thwaak/ |
Entry #53
By: SlyOwl
Horse Racer
Full Size Photo |
Entry #54
By: SlyOwl
Scorpion Racer
Entry #55
By: Dave the Rave
(If you can name your contest after a Pink Floyd song, I can name my entry after a Lynyrd Skynyrd song.)
There was once a bird who had a dream. That dream was being a cave
racing champion. His dream came true when he found out the race was in
town. so he built a cave racer appropriate for his size (yes, I
intentionaly made it pocket sized). So if your cave racer gets stuck in
those small caves, you should've made a cave racer like this. (And yes,
I used a batarang for a bird. I hope it counts.) |
Entry #56
By: bricktopus
Nameless One
From the gloomy depths of the deep sea, where dead
Cthulhu sleeps, Squishy, and his bio-mechanical cave racer Nameless
One race for the joy of speed ... and to catch dinner (Nameless One
likes to pluck cave racer pilots from their racer as he passes by).
Link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/27592060@N02/sets/72157605576419994/
Entry #57
By: nolnet
Hot Stretchy Cheese Racer
Smells like cheese fondue.
Entry #58
By: LuxorV
Dark Wings
Inspired to the Batwing, this Racer takes its name from a song by Within Templtation.
Gallery : http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=323816 |
Entry #59
By: LuxorV
Hammer Head
This Racer is very fast and agile. The control
system connected to the pilot's fins can replicate all his natural
movements. For underwater races only.
Gallery : http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=323817
Entry #60
By: LuxorV
Hoover Schyte
Massive and powerful, this Racer is feared on all tracks.
Gallery : http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=323819
Class One Grid
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