Pigs on the Wing: Class One Entry Grid
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Entry #101
The Hawaiian Frog
It is a "Cave Racer" built by a hawaiian frog, runs
with silvester tree sap that only grow in Hawaii Rain Forest.
It also have the spirit-power of Hawaiian Natives simbolize in the lance and shovel.
The builder frog purpose is to win the "Pigs on the Wing" contest.
More Pohotos in:
Entry #102
by: Dene Quest
Ray Racer
Here is my class one PoW cave racer : Ray Racer. If you get in the way
or happen to get too close the tentacles and drill will get you. Ribbed
and well tentacled for Rays pleasure.
Gallery: flickr |
Entry #103
By: Jedimasterwagner
the Baa Baa Sleepy-time Express
As Bob and Betty climb into bed, ready for the
soothing calm of leaping sheep to lull them into slumberland, little do
they expect the sheer wind and terror of the world of cave racing. Piloted
by the woolly livestock companion known only as Baa Baa, Betty and Bob
scream for their lives as they rocket towards pole position.
Link to additional photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jedimasterwagner/sets/72157605891170009/
Entry #104
by: yacinator
everyone suspected that Cerberus the horse would cheat on the
day of the 86th bi-annual NebCo grand prix, but this time he doesn't
even bother hidings them, a machine gu is mounted on one side of the
model, and rocket launcher is on the other side. the officials are too
scared to do anything about it, so he's getting away with it! wins: 2-9-8x
grand prix 2 time winner |
Entry #105
by: yacinator
c-type f643
this stubby racer is designed for speed and maneuverability,
not strength. this racer could be taken out by almost any racer even
just slightly larger, but has never crashed due to it's masterful pilot,
Clissit Oon. built by cranteK. wins: to many to list
Entry #106
by: yacinator
great horn
this brutal racer is not to be messed with, containing enough
ramming force to take out even racers twice it's size. it's weakness
is in it's speed, it can barely top 500 mph. it has surprising maneuverability,
allowing it to survive races without a single unintentional collision.
piloted by snippit glat. wins: 2-9-8x grand prix, 17 individual races.
Entry #107
by: yacinator
slip 20x
this stubby red racer is not designed to win, but is more
of a scapegoat to boost popularity for the Crucible when in a race. this
racer has been modified by every owner, and is finally nothing more than
a floating engine with wing, so much has been removed to increase speed.
piloted by Sijouh Crisp. wins: none
Entry #108
by: yacinator
this sleek, graceful racer was designed as a luxury racer by
cranteK, the world's leading cave racer industry. it was purchased
by Howl Jak, an eccentric racer determind to win not through violence
of his own, but by dodging around violent racers so they take each
other out. his win record: NebCo grand prix, 23 individual races, and
the CosCorp tournament.
Entry #109
by: 6Max6
cpt squishy face and his custom manta ray
I basicaly built this from my old sonic phantom,
so here's my description. Cpt squishy face is the pilot of the manta
ray. Some features of it are its super grip handle bar and the set
of flight stabalizers on each wing. It also it contains
a pro racer engine.
Entry #110
By: Paul
Snake Racer
This is a "Snake Racer" ship. Have 4 solar panels that take the power from the sun and give it to the 2 super-turbines to reach the speed of the light. The captain (snake) control everything behind the panel and is determined to win this race.
more photos |
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