Pigs on the Wing: Class One Entry Grid
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Entry #41
By: Shannon Ocean
'The Hairy Clam'
Description: Sorry, can't dignify this with a description!
Link to photos: More Photos
(Due to the adult theme of this racer, only click through if you're of age or have your parent's permission. But don't say we didn't warn you!) |
Entry #42
Sharkfin Speeder
This Cave Racer is controlled by Sammy Sharkfin, he is one of the more famous Cave racing drivers.
The race is very fast but is notorious for its strongness.
Sammy often rams other Racers, so he wins races quite often
Entry #43
By: Maedhros
The Steamdog
The poor dogs of Victorian Britain get to test the latest mode of transport.
http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=322211 |
Entry #44
By: Lich Barrister
Snowy Ermine
The sleek, rugged cave racer of choice for tuner kittens. This features
a Shov-L landing strut, power cores repurposed the KITT effect at the
front, and rifles mounted on the exhaust grills for show. As they say:
pretty fly for a white cat.
Photo 1 ,
Photo 2 ,
Photo 3
Entry #45
By: Lich Barrister
Blue Dog
There's no longer any need for the dog to stick its head out the window
of a vehicle to enjoy the trip - these cyborg K-9s, inspired by the rat
things from Neil Stephenson's "Snow Crash," hook up to a special
interface that is towed behind a specially designed cave racer.
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3 |
Entry #46
By: nolnet
Arac Attac
with web wings and cocoon thrusters, this Itsy Bitsy Racer is almost
entirely woven out of the pilot's secretion. Insect-piloted Racers
watch out!
(for better spear-and-shovel-view, please check the Brickshelf folder)
Entry #47
By: Ebil
Jungle-Themed Monkey Racer
In the Congo Rainforest, 2194 AD, genetically enhanced monkies have a
great time zooming around on their cave racers, whether or not they're
actually in caves.
To see more cool stuff go to http://www.geocities.com/yadinandyanay or my photostream.
Entry #48
By: Ebil
Neo-Urban Themed Gray Frog Racer
Much gloomier than their green cousins, gray frogs use more dark racers with a gray-black color scheme.
To see more cool stuff go to http://www.geocities.com/yadinandyanay or my photostream. |
Entry #49
By: Captain Carrot
The Unfortunate Max Williams
It was Max Williams' first race on Andrea Sen, home of the notorious cave sharks. The pack of veteran racers had keep to a pretty tight group. A small group of 3 brave racers, including Williams, broke away on the 56th lap. Two of the riders knew that sharks never attack racers in groups. Unfortunately, Williams was not adequately briefed by his manager. On the last lap, Williams left his companions with just 3 turns remaining. His racer certainly had the power to keep off the defenders, but not the shark. In the last turn, a shark had attacked. This official finish photo shows William's machine as it crossed the line. The race judges ruled that although Williams was technically "with" the machine, he was not the pilot, and gave the race and title to the second across the line. William's manager and estate plan to appeal the ruling to the Intergalactic Arbitrage of Cave Racers. |
Entry #50
By: Captain Carrot
Seth Alapodilus on his custom Manta Description
Seth Alapodilus race resume is very extensive, 5 stages at Maralan, 3 editions of The Four Day Race of Talaware, 2 Intergalactic Championships, and the All Pro Cup, all in his first 5 years pro. In this photo, Seth is shown riding his highly modified Manta. He began his pro career on a stock Manta but had a lack luster year. In the off season, he adapted the control yoke from a Kraken 6000 to his Manta power plant and hover things. The combination provided Seth with a very fast ride and very familiar control. The following year, Seth's career took off with his first 3 wins. |
Class One Grid
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