- Name: Logan
- Age: Unknown
- Marital Status: Single
- Occupation: X-Man
- Hometown: Somewhere in Canada
- Survivor Quote: "I'm the best there is at what I do. But what I do isn't very nice."
- Luxury Item: Beer
Wolverine's Biography:
Very little is known of Wolverine's history, and what is known is a confusing mass of lies and half-truths.
"I just want to find my Dad someday," muses the Canadian Mutant. "I want to go fishing and then gut him like a Pike for abandoning me."
Wolverine is unique among the cast of Bootleg Survivor as he was the only person to volunteer for the show. "Sure. I like to kill. I like to survive. What's not to like?"
The answer to that is the opposing clan, the Dickweeds. "I can't stand any of them. From that goody-two-shoes Skywalker pair to the policies of Herbert Hoover, they've all got strikes against them. I can't wait to catch them alone in the jungle."
"And just wait until I catch up with Mr. Bad Ass himself. Volunteer or no, I've got something to share with that little frog." (Wolverine Pops his claws to demonstrate.)