Sicko Santa - Day 3
"Eel Be Home For Christmas"
Sicko Santa thought it was time to move past the whole "Candy" theme. Oh, sure, Candy would be returning in future challenges, but it was time to break things up.
Enter....Roasted Eel.

Now, to be fair, this wasn't much of a challenge for the sushi-eaters among the Elves. In fact, of the whole crew, only Elf I was looking at the eel in anytyhing less than Pavlovian anticipation.
To her credit, Elf I took the first serving and was willing to give things a try.
Elf I was a quick convert to the delacasy of Roasted Eel! The rest of the Elves debated the merits of the marinade - most prefered a smokier taste than the oil-based packaging in this tin.

Overall Elf Evaluation:
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