Sicko Santa - Day 4 "Jelly Strips "
The veterans of previous year's fun had been introduced to a concept called "Juicy Chews" - a jelly like concoction much like these, so confidence was high as the tubes of colored goo were passed around. Elf K dove right in, chewing his way through the otherwise impenetrable wrapper. He dangled part of the strip outside of the package for a moment, then had to slurp it down before it broke off and fell to the table. As was becoming usual, it was Elf I who had the most qualms about tasting the day's challenge. Elf M was, also as usual, not too challenged. Elf L had snagged a good flavor and was actually on her second Jelly Strip by the time the picture below was taken.
Elf A went on record describing the texture of the Jelly Strip as "like that of brains. Squishy yet firm." He claimed to have dreamt about eating brains and/or Jelly Strips days prior to the event. New to the table was Elf J who summed up her reaction to the Jelly Strips with an eloquent hand gesture:
Some of the flavors (watermelon, apple) were found to be "quite good" by the Elves, but there were some "mysterious other flavor choices" that did not go over nearly as well. Initial (random) flavor choice seemed to have a big impact on if a given Elf was willing to try a second helping or not.
Overall Elf Evaluation: Taste was hit or miss, but the texture was ALL miss. Click to move on to the next challenge!