Sicko Santa - Day 27 Dill Tomatoes This particular challenge sat in the office refrigerator for a few days before it was announced as a Sicko Santa item. Several elves had noticed it - and all were mightily afraid that they'd be seeing it "up close and personal". Another "gift" from the warped tastes of Elf K, Topor's Natural Barrel Dill Tomatoes come to us from Topor's Pickle Company here in Detroit. Detroit: Where even the Pickles Could Kick Your Hinder. You have to wonder about the marketing guys at Topor's. The bright and cheery blue of the label certainly contrasts in a poor way with the sickly green-brown of the product, as you can see in the following shots. Although there were enough full tomatoes for each Elf to have one, it was agreed that cutting them into smaller servings would make everyone a bit happier. Everyone, that is, except Elf A, who had to get in there and chop these monsters up. The plates were passed, the Elves took their bites, and the results were recorded: Elf A: EW! They're HARD! They must have pickled green tomatoes. Plus, they look like something gone wrong from Biology class. Elf K: There's a pucker at the end - these are pretty sour. Elf R: Just tastes like a pickle - there's nothing "tomato" about it. Elf M: Looks good, tastes like a four letter word. Elf V: Tastes good to me. Elf I: Tastes like Apple Jolly Ranchers.
Overall Elf Evaluation: One you get past the look, they're not so bad. Click to move on to the next challenge!