Sicko Santa - Day 28 Stuffed Eggplant Remember when the "Tender Cactus" looked so nasty on the label, but was actually pretty good out of the can? Well, today's Challenge from Elf K is the mirror-universe opposite of that. The can, shown here, has a delightful looking array of what appears to be sushi. Very decorative, very tasty looking, even. Perhaps "Stuffed Eggplant" wouldn't be too bad. The Elves should have known better. There's a reason the can is labeled with "serving suggestion." When Elf A opened the can, everyone knew that the tough challenges had returned with a vengeance. Since light travels faster than odor, the first reaction was to the look of the product... Not very appetizing, is it? Ah, but then the smell reached Elf A's tender nostrils. "OH, GROSS!!!!" Slowly, the smell spread across the room. Elf J2 shares her reaction with us in the photo above. And then, as if the sight and smell weren't enough - the sound of the eggplant slurping out of the can and onto the plates added yet another layer of nausea to the event. But our elves are brave souls, and once they had their portion they did indeed give it a try. Elf A: It's the worst thing in a can I've ever eaten. And I've had MREs. Elf J2: Oh, is that RUDE. Nasty with a capital N. Elf K: Not that bad....oh wait. YES IT IS. Maybe if we heated it... Elf M: It wasn't bad, but I'm certainly not going to finish it. Elf R: STINKY! Overall Elf Evaluation: After Opening, Please Discard Contents of Can... Click to move on to the next challenge!