The Steampunk Falcon
The build took roughly twelve hours total - I'm estimating that based on the
running time of the movies I had in the DVD player for "background noise" while
I tinkered. Other than the sketch on the previous page I didn't have any designs
or plans to follow - it was pure "stick one brick onto another and see
if it looks right" madness.
The end result, though, looks pretty much like I imagined it would.
Here are links to alternate sizes of the above image (listed by width). If your system can handle it, I suggest checking out the higher resolution images to see all the details.
[640] [1024] [2405]

[640] [1024]
There are a few details I'd like to point out up front.
- First, instead of dull grey hull plates, this version of the
Falcon is coated with rich wood planking. (Stained walnut brown for the main
hull, a deep black for the main engine/cargo area.)
- The Star Wars engines
have been replaced with a Steam-powered alternate; the rear drive exchanged
for two side lifting propellers and two turbo-props to the fore.
- Taking advantage
of the need for atmospheric flight, he cockpit is now open-air.
- This Falcon
is still very much a tramp freighter; there are reinforced areas for particularly
heavy cargo, and plenty of "hidden compartments" for the occasional
smuggling run.
- The netting that extends from the central boiler has been removed in most
of the subsequent shots for clarity. (Okay, in truth I added the netting
after I had already finished these pages - but it really is hard to photograph
The following pages will go over the ship in more detail, starting with the heart of it all - the engine.
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