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Entry #51 By: John
M. Rudy
Arthur Herbert's Threepence-Farthing
Arthur Herbert, delinquent who is know for his fist-slamming of malfunctioning Victrolas and catchphrase, "Hey, chaps...", keeps his custom ride in capital shape. With it's large boiler capacity, unique control apparatus and wide wheelbase, Arthur is ready for any type of race these outrageously "happy days" may bring him.
(50 pieces as I count. I apologize for not being more clear with this character, but "Fonzarelli" doesn't have a steampunk ring, does it?)
Both entries may be found in my flickr set "Lego Steampunk Contest Entries".
Playability |
Creativity |
Steampunk Style |
Rank |
17 |
17 |
15 |
20th (Tie) |
Entry #52 By: robertegblack
martin stack and his jalopy, 50 pieces on the nose (including a little decorative steam)
brickshelf gallery:
Entry #53 By: robertegblack
dr augustus "red eye" jacksmith and his boiler propelled racer,
(34 pieces)
brickshelf gallery:
Entry #54 By: robertegblack
the last photo of professor james "popper" popplewell, and the only shot of him flying his amazing popper's hopper, only 16 pieces (counting the hat but not counting the clear mounts, which are another 8, for a total of 24):
non-tinted photo (just in case):
brickshelf gallery:
Entry #55 By: Nannan
The Incredible Steam Heater
This steam heater will warm up your place in the coldest times. Press down on the heater and the heating coils light up with an ambient red glow. Model contains 50 pieces.
Entry #56 By: JimmytheJ
Professor Pufwangle's Contraption was named the Mosquito because
of it's large twin rudders, long pointy proboscis (which was later removed
due to several unfortunate impalings), and it's annoying buzzing (plus
there was the incident with the vial of malaria, but that's another story...).
This is my entry to Reasonably clever's steampunk contest, and weighs
in at exactly 50 parts.
Entry #57 by:maarten
This is my entry.
It's the SPLAT!
Steam Powered Low-weight Air Transport
Entry #58 by:
Jinja Ninja
I seem to be developing a reputation for last-minute contest entries...
First up, we have the Salamander-
Baron Clinton Gunn (Nicknamed "Smokey" or "Smokin'" due
to his 'shoot first, ask questions later' attitude.), a brash American
chap, wanted in on the Steam-Power phenomenon. Too busy counting
out his fortune to get his hands dirty, he charged his downtrodden
butler with the task. Mysteriously, the Salamander's rear
fin was never affixed, and Baron Gunn is currently plummetting to
the ground. His butler is nowhere to be seen, nor is Smokey's big
pile of money...
Model comes to bang-on 50 pieces.
Finally (for now), I've got the Wrong Trousers. Ring any
bells? ;)
Main picture:
Prof. Victor Ian (the puns just get worse, don't they?) pilots these
bipedal bloomers, fresh from his Victorian workshop in Old London
Town. Created to get people around faster, this machine's also a
great laugh at parties and comes in handy if you're an evil penguin
mastermind. (Feathers! I'm watching you...)
Once again, this comes to 50 pieces.
Well, folks, that's all my entries for now. Maybe if I gain super-building
skillz tomorrow, I can get a few more in, and I might have some sepia
images later. Additional photos are on my Brickshelf (http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=307253)
when public, and (somewhere) on my Flickr, linked to in my name.
-The Jinja Ninja
Entry #59 by: The
Jinja Ninja
Next, it's the Whirlybird
Dr. Oliver Chapp (Oll' to his friends. Apologies for the pun.) navigates
the spires of Steampunk Oxford in his Whirlybird, a not-so-sophisticated
contraption made from the Aviation Scholars' leftovers. Crank the
handle at the back to turn the rotors, and the propellers really
spin! (What, if TLG can list that as a feature, so can I!)
Also comes to 50 pieces.
Entry #60 by: The
Jinja Ninja
Finally (for now), I've got the Wrong Trousers. Ring any
bells? ;)
Prof. Victor Ian (the puns just get worse, don't they?) pilots these
bipedal bloomers, fresh from his Victorian workshop in Old London
Town. Created to get people around faster, this machine's also a
great laugh at parties and comes in handy if you're an evil penguin
mastermind. (Feathers! I'm watching you...)
Once again, this comes to 50 pieces.
Well, folks, that's all my entries for now. Maybe if I gain super-building
skillz tomorrow, I can get a few more in, and I might have some sepia
images later. Additional photos are on my Brickshelf (http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=307253)
when public, and (somewhere) on my Flickr, linked to in my name.
-The Jinja Ninja
Playability |
Creativity |
Steampunk Style |
Rank |
19 |
19 |
20 |
8th (Tie) |
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