Contest Results!
The entires were judged by three Non-LEGO addict friends of mine. Each page below has their ratings and comments. Who were the judges?
Perhaps of more interest...who were the winners???
1st Place |
Model:Brickwagon Legg'a
By: Tony Sunderhaus
Scores of 90, 85, 80. Total Points: 255 |
2nd Place |
Model: The Chandelier
By: Tanya Laubacher
Scores of 85, 80, 88. Total Points: 253 |
3rd Place |
Model: The Summoning
By: Tayna Laubacher
Scores of 85, 75, 90. Total Points: 250 |
(Fourth Place had a score of 240 - can you guess which entry that is?)
Click on the pictures to be taken to a page detailing the entry! Remember - you can enter as many models as you want.
Back to the Work That Squid contest rules!
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