Model:Squid Jacuzzi
By: Tony
Tasting and Judgement
Unique Use of Squid
(50 Points) |
(30 Points) |
(20 Points) |
Judge's Comments |
Total Ponts |
Final Ranking |
25 |
10 |
20 |
Very pimpin', but a bit slimy! |
55 |
8th |
30 |
20 |
15 |
65 |
40 |
25 |
20 |
how can you not get a 20 pimposity when you have a dude in a hot tub, he would have gotten a 25 if James Brown was in there |
85 |
Here we find a successful businessman relaxing in his back yard. He is
all about the pimposity. He's relaxing in his new jacuzzi with his
current girl. He is a big fan of Star Wars, as seen by his replica R2
droid with acts as his butler. He is also watching Episode 4 on his
giant plasma tv. The theater experience is completed with a 7 speaker
surround sound system. Being a rich man with lots of expensive toys,
he needs a security guard to watch the property. For added pimposity,
there may be another girl in the jacuzzi ;) The squid here act as water in
the jacuzzi. In the back, you can see part of his house with
landscaped flowerbeds, and a giant tree.

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