Entry #11
By: Dave Lartigue
(daveexmachina on Flickr)
Ben's Trophy Room
Description: While looking for the bathroom in Ben Kenobi's home, Luke
accidentally wanders into Ben's trophy room. Inside are Ben's grim
reminders of his early days.
Larger and additional photos:Flickr
TK-1420: I laughed out loud at this one! One of my faves of the contest!
Stephen J. Sansweet: Super idea, brilliantly done!
Chris: I like the box-o-droid arms.
Mary: Absolutely brilliant! This should be a t-shirt |
Entry #12
By: Ryan
What really happened at the end of episode 6...
Contrary to popular belief, the emperor Didn`t die at the end of episode 6. Rather, the chemicals in the Death Star`s generator kept him from becoming one with the dark side, turning him into a zombie. He ended up getting revenge on the rebels, eventually destroying Luke, despite his attempt to use the silver blaster.
Chris: I found myself wondering about the silver blaster's powers.
Entry #13
Death Star Seance
Darth Vader and his Imperial
cronies hold a seance to contact Sith spirits of the past. Little do
they know Darth Maul's legless spirit has appeared.... (43 pieces +
Darth Vader minifig)
Link: Brickshelf
TK-1420: I like the idea of a dark side séance. The table is especially nice.
Stephen J. Sansweet: Unexpected and very well executed.
Chris: The other half of Maul! (See "Footsteps" in Class Two)
Mary: What do you suppose they wanted to ask Maul? |
2nd place, Class Three Rankings |
Entry #14
By: hyatehyuuga
cuz' this is thriller
More Photos: Flickr
TK-1420: LOL at the dancing zombies
Mary: This is so simple, but I can't stop laughing at the idea. Brilliant. |
Entry #15
By: Legoholic
Leia and the Mynock
This is a recreation of the scene from Episode 5 when the mynock creature comes up to the Falken's window and freaks Princess Leia out.
pieces used: 48
TK-1420: the mynock is superb!
Entry #16
By: Paul
The Kill
Han Solo went to the park to have fun. Then Leia, Chewbaca and C3PO kill him and cut his left arm.
Gallery: Brickshelf
Entry #17
Darth Maul's Halloween prank
Disguised as an evil samurai, young Darth maul is doing one of it's favorite prank.
Gallery: Flickr
TK-1420: the tree is well-done
Chris: I like the TP effect. Clever use of parts. |
Entry #18
By: pr0visorak
But Vadey has been a good boy!
A rebel decided to kill some stormtroopers. He took a sled powered by sucking the organs and blood and skin out of the dead bodies of children and went to the death star. There Vader sat there and asked who is he. The rebel explained that he was Santa "Well this is the wrong season it is Halloween you are wearing orange, you are not fat, you don’t have a beard and you kill innocent children to power your sled. Sounds normal to me. Now where is my present?"
But the rebel had nothing so he said that Vader had been a bad boy. But Vadey had been good boy! Still the rebel refused. So Vader sent his stormtroopers to chase after the Santa to get a present.
link: Brickshelf
Chris: I'm very confused by this story.
Entry #19
By: Tater Salad
Scariest Mission of All
These Stormtoopers are about to face the hardest mission ever: fatherhood.
Entry #20
By: Cadder
TAG (Twin Arachnid Greeble) Fighter
Name says it all, really...
Gallry: Brickshelf, Flickr
TK-1420: I like the jack-o-lantern bubble cockpit
Stephen J. Sansweet: Cool! Unusual parts make this baby fly!
Chris: I liked seeing a vehicle in the impulse category. Well done! |
3rd place, Class Three Rankings |