Pigs on the Wing: Class Three Entry Grid

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Entry #21
By: BecTodd

Moo-ving Too Fast
"I think we missed the cave!"

A too-powerful engine creates an accidental re-enactment of a classic Nursery Rhyme. Big Mac and her McRacer have overshot the cave...by a lot.

Note the tiny dish running away with the spoon!

Brickshelf Galery holds more photos.

Entry #22
By: Yokomode01

Scorpion VS. Starfish

I guess my entry is a bit of a blur between classes 2&3 of the contest, it is a diorama set in a cave and featuring multiple racers -  Scorpion VS. Starfish, with one of it`s major features being a large clump of Duplo toadstools. 
i have included a single 400x400 pixel photograph but unfortunately i do not have any additional images as the diorama fell apart and broke while i was photographing it (yay! great building, heheh).

i think i have adhered generally to most of the stipulated rules as:

- the starfish is mounted on a 3900 Paddle/Signal Holder  though the scorpion is not...

A Spade/Shovel - LEGO part 3837  has been used on each racer.

- A flattish and long piece is mounted below each shovel. (Hover Thingy)
- The racers are indeed "ribbed for pleasure".

- The engines contain multiple trans-orange 1x1 rounds + .

- i have used as much DUPLO in the construction as possible.


Entry #23
By: Samus

A Day At The Races

Every year people come from everywhere to see the great animal cave races. People stand all along the side lines that go on for miles just to see these animals race. Cave racing used to be a human sport five years ago, but it was banned because it was very dangerous for people. So now we use animals! Technology has vastly improved since then however. This particular race is the "little critters" category. For years now the fish, owl, and rat have been fan favorites and rivals. It's going to be a close race!

Gallery: on Brickshelf

Entry #24
By: Chrispockster

Arctic Cave Race

Glacial caves are some of the most interesting places on earth. Here spectacular ice formations lie undisturbed. However icicles are not the only things deep beneath the surface. The arctic mammals have developed their own racing circuit fit to the icy caves. This is definitely not what the arctic explorers expected to find under the surface.

More photos

Entry #25
By: Ebil

Prehistoric Racer Diorama!

Who doesn't like a meat flavored cave racer?

To see more cool stuff go to my site
or to see more of this racer go to my flikr stream

Entry #26
By: Joey Baldwin


Entry #27
By: Joey Baldwin


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