Star Wars BLING

Snowspeeder Type-R (Snowspeed-R)
Set 7130
Rear spoiler, Revised controls, much bigger engines, side-wing spoilers, scorpion graphics, auxiliary turbocharger.

The stock Snow Speeder has a single display/control mounted just out of arm's reach for the pilot. Due to the dramatic increase in speed and handling, the Snowspeed-R has an adjustable steering column with thumb-switch activated front fire triggers.


The front cannons have been replaced with the same translucent-shaft barrels as seen on the XR-Wing snub fighter. Lacking the reaction mass of the XR, however, the Snowspeed-R's front guns are mostly for show. "It's not like they did any good in The Empire Strikes Back anyway," remarked one Rebel.

Note the omni-directional floodlights doubling as a mounting bracket for the Side-spoilers. Quad 12,000 watt bulbs cut through even a Hoth-blizzard for needed visibility. The heat generated by the lighting is fed by inductors along the surfaces of the wings, keeping them free of ice.

In place of the "macrobinocular storage bin" shipped by the factory, the Snowspeed-R has a replaceable turbo-charge injection system. Highly reactive Tibanna gas is fed directly into the intake manifold causing an "explosive" burst of speed. The co-pilot is required to carefully watch the injection process, as many a Snowspeed-R has taken that "explosive" bit too seriously.

Next: More about the Co-Pilot station

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