Sicko Santa - Day 25 Gefilte Fish. As the Elves grow more and more accustomed, it becomes more and more rare for anything to outright terrify them. It was hard, then, for Sicko Santa not to grin wildly when the cries of horror began the moment today's Challenge was unveiled. Elf K was responsible for acquiring the item - for Elf K is a man who understands the meaning of the word "Challenge." In fact, I'm pretty sure if you check Wikipedea one of the alternation definitions for challenge is: Yes, Gefilte Fish in Jelled Broth. At least it's Kosher. The label says "4 pieces" but it came out of the jar in many formless chunks. As Elf A did the duty of sharing out portions he couldn't help but be taken by the Schlurping sound of the Jelled Broth as it pulled away from the Fish. All of the other Elves looked on with varying degrees of disgust. Elf A requested this shot to try and capture the feeling of "ooze". Soon enough, though, the portions were handed out, and it was time for the tasting to begin. Elf K: It tastes like a soggy tuna sandwich! It could really use a stronger flavor - maybe if you put some wasabi on it... Elf J2: GAG! (Elf J2 nearly lost her lunch over this challenge - the smell apparently got to her.) Elf J2: Eye watering!
Elf M was a bit more stoic: Elf K nailed it. Soggy Tuna Sandwich. Very watery. Elf R: What is this? Fish Flavored SPAM? Elf V: Reminds me of Salon served directly from the can. Elf I, in a move that ratcheted up the irratation level of all the other Elves, decided to try a new maneuver to avoid eating any of the day's challenge. By taking two crackers, and then palming the fish, she created the illusion she was actually tasting the Fish like the rest of the Elves. But, as you can see in the close up here, there's no fish to be seen between those Triskits. Her comment? "It tastes like a trisket!"
Overall Elf Evaluation: "Never Again" Click to move on to the next challenge!