Sicko Santa - Day 19
The second of Elf R's MEATS OF EVIL takes the form of LIVER CHEESE. This particular MoE was seen by half of the elves as more challenging than the Head Cheese - they really didn't like liver. The other half of the Elves were already asking about seconds. Seconds? You bet. Even with a texture that looks like this: Some of the Elves had tasted this challenge under another name: Liverwurst. Now, there's no real telling exactly what was in the version that Elf R acquired, but Liver Cheese, like Head Cheese, isn't a Cheese at all. It's more like sausage - with 10-20% of the pork liver providing the majority of the flavor. Like the previous challenge, a slice of the meat was cut up and distributed on crackers. The Liver Cheese had a more brittle texture, and tended to break apart into chunks. Even so, the presentation was much less revolting than the Head Cheese Challenge. Elves R, J, and M had positive reactions to this MoE - Elf M in particular seemed to be having some fun with the meat. Elf I tried her usual tiny portion - "I'm not a fan of liver - at all - but look! I'm eating a bite! Now quit bugging me!" Elf J2 (not shown) passed on the challenge - the liver revulsion was too much for her. Elf A happily gobbled her portion in addition to his own. "Good stuff!" Overall Elf Evaluation: Hit or miss - if you enjoy the flavor of liver, this is great stuff. If the idea of eating another creature's poison filter turns you off, well, then I'd give it a pass. Click to move on to the next challenge!