Sicko Santa - Day 16 "Wasabi! With Peas! "
When it comes to Wasabi Peas there is usually a range of flavor. Some brands are mild, almost bland. Some are so spicy that eating more than two or three becomes a sinus-cleansing affair. Where would these "Kasuagi Roasted Hot Green Peas" fall in that spectrum? Elf L's first comment, "they're not as spicy as I thought they'd be", tells the sad tale. Taken individually, there was hardly any kick at all. None of the Elves, however, were foolish enough to take Sicko Santa's evil suggestion to "just let them dissolve on your tongue." As the rest of the Elves sample the peas the number of peas tossed back in a single moment grew. Finally a level of kick was reached at about 8 peas at once. Elf R: "It's like fire coming through your nose!" Elf I (not pictured for some strange reason) had mixed feelings. "They'd be a nice snack if they didn't have the sting at the end." Clearly, she did not grasp in fullness the concept of a Wasabi Pea. Overall Elf Evaluation: Tasty. Click to move on to the next challenge!