Sicko Santa - Day 12 "Jones Soda - Round One: Candy Cane "
The elves recognized the shape - the distinctive logos... "Not Jones Soda!" wailed Elf I. "I think I have somewhere else to be..." "Relax," soothed Sicko Santa. "This one's Candy Cane flavored. How bad could it be?" Soon enough, the elves would know. Cups were gathered, soda was poured. Soon...all too soon...all of the Elves had a serving. It was time to taste today's challenge. Compared to some of the Jones Sodas known to be lurking in the Sicko Santa Queue (like the holiday favorite "Turkey and Gravy"), the Candy Cane soda was met with brave faces and normal sized drinks. Elf K was quick to notice "this tastes like Schnapps!" Elf I agreed: "Is there booze in this? Could we add some?" Elf L, who supplied the soda for today's challenge, noted "it tastes more like someone dissolved a candy cane in the soda than a candy cane itself." "Diluted", "weak", and "like a cough drop" were other elfin reactions. Overall Elf Evaluation: Not great, but at least it wasn't from the "Holiday Pack" Click to move on to the next challenge!