TRON ENTRY: Blacklight-active TRON minifigs by Dene Quest
to something
in the film |
Playability |
Control |
Competition |
Judge's Notes |
50 |
30 |
15 |
Freak all you like about painting minifigs, but these are COOL. |
95 points |
Hi Master Control,
For my entry I have made Flynn (red color) and Tron minfigs.
I based the patterns for the figs from pictures I found on
http://www.tron-sector.com. So after 3 days of work, 4 or 5 photo shoots,
and the realization that flesh minfig heads work better than yellow ones
under a black light, the results are:
Regular real world lighting
Tron environment lighting
The helmet and disk are the aviator cap and a tap cut down to shape, a single stud from one of my old broken
legos was then added to the back of the fig, and finally they got a paint job.
Let me know what you think,
Dene Quest
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