LEGO Steampunk Challenge
This contest is over!
Our Celebrity Judge writes:
"Thanks everyone for giving me this opportunity! I was amazed and surprised at the number and variety of entries, when I first read the contest rules I thought 'what can you do with only 50 bricks?' Turns out you can do a lot! The top cluster of entries were pretty tightly matched, and on a different day any one of them might have come out on top. But it's clear that everyone put in a lot creative effort and I'm pleased to see that the Lego-istas (Lego-folk? Lego-nattii?) are such a vibrant part of the Steampunk world!
Here's a list of quick links to what happened!
In January of 2008, on the forums of From Bricks to Bothans, there was a contest: A challenge to build a Steampunk version of an iconic Star Wars vehicle. The entries were varied and mighty - and great fun was had by just about everyone.
So much fun was had that a second contest was created to keep the steam flowing. This is that contest.

Most LEGO fans are familiar with the little "impulse item" sets that LEGO releases from time to time. They normally feature a minifigure and a tiny vehicle, item, or scene. This challenge is to create your own "impulse set" in the Steampunk Style, using 50 elements or less.
This contest runs from February 1, 2008 until March 15, 2008.
The Rules:
- You are limited to a maximum of 50 bricks/elements. These should be counted the way LEGO counts them - for example a typical mini-figure would count as three parts (head, torso, legs), accessories like a hat or pick-axe would count as one part each, and all would count towards that 50 part limit.
- You are not, however, limited to minifig scale. As long as you stick to the 50 part limit, you can build mini, micro, or whatever suits your fancy.
- No custom or modified parts. Stickers are fine if they come from an existing LEGO set. (No self-designed stickers, in other words)
- Models posted on-line prior to February 1st are not eligible for this contest.
To Enter:
- Starting March 1st, post a comment in the official
entry blog post (now closed) or Post #2 providing a link to your discussion thread or gallery
where you can have as many images of your MOC as you want. You'll be judged on the MOC, not the photography - but please make sure your photos are clear enough that we can tell what you've built! I will compile a sample photo for each entry as well as a link to any gallery/discussion points in the official entry grid.
- In addition to the photos, you'll also need to provide a list of the (up to) 50 parts you used. You can either write out the list, or take a picture of the parts in a grid or something.
- Reasonably Clever won't be hosting photos this time around, so I suggest you open an account at Brickshelf or Flickr for your photos if you don't have private webspace somewhere.
- If you're having trouble posting to the thread, email Chris and he'll help you out.
- Entries must be posted between March 1st and midnight, March 15th (Eastern Standard Time)
- You can enter as many times as you like, and international entries are welcome. However, only ONE prize can be won by a given individual. (See Judging, below.)
- If you have any questions about the contest in general, please see this blog post.
- Jake von Slatt of The Steampunk Workshop has agreed to serve as judge for our LEGO Steampunk Challenge.
If you're not familiar with his work, I suggest you start out with his amazing Steampunk Keyboard Mod and continue reading with his interview with Wired magazine. You'll soon understand why we're so thrilled Jake was willing to get involved!
- Jake will review each entry based on three equally-weighted criteria: Playability, Creativity, and Steampunk Styling. Highest average score wins!
- Winners will be announced by March 31st, 2008
- In the case of a multiple win by a single person, that person shall have their pick of the prizes won, and the remaining loot will passed out to other contestants based on their scores.
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