Contest Ran from 2-12-09 through 3-13-09
Here's a fun little challenge to work through while the next BIG Reasonably Clever contest is being developed. Just about every LEGO builder I've met has a small stash of parts that they really can't do much with. Case in point: The Handtruck. Sure, it's fun to have mini-figures cart little crates around, but as a building element? Not as much fun.
Or.....is it?
Can your creativity overcome the odd pin-offset and awkward styling of the handtruck? Can you incorporate one into a larger creation? How about two? Three? A dozen?
Welcome to the Handtruck Building Challenge '09!
Your Mission:
Build a cool LEGO creation using as many Handtrucks as you can.
The Rules:
Only unmodified LEGO brand parts allowed.
- Virtual models are not allowed for this contest.
- For purposes of counting Handtrucks, only the frame needs to be present. (The wheels are OPTIONAL.)
- International entries are welcome
- Enter as often as you like, but only one prize will be awarded per person. In the case of multiple wins by a single person, that person will pick the prize he or she wants, and the remaining swag will go to the 2nd place finishers.
To Enter:
Send an email to Bat_Hero@hotmail.com with the following information.
Your Name/Alias as you'd like it to appear on the entry grid
A name/title for your entry
A single photo (no larger than 400x400 pixels) of your model. Remember: If the judges can't make out your model, you won't score very high, so take a GOOD picture.
Optional: A text description of your model
Optional: A link to more photos of your model
Entries that do not follow the above guidelines may be disqualified, depending on how cranky Chris is feeling that day.
Entries must be received by 2:22 AM Eastern Standard Time on 3-14-09
Judgment and Scoring:
- Each model will be evaluated on Creative Use of Handtrucks, Quantity of Handtrucks, and General Nifty-ness.
- Each judge will pick his or her top three favorite models, based on the criteria above, and rank them 1st - 3rd.
- Rankings will then be tallied and overall winners decided.
- The model ranked "Most Creative Use of Handtrucks" will receive a Star Wars 7656 General Greivous Starfighter
- The model ranked "Most Nifty" will receive a still-in-box classic Star Wars 4477 T-16 Skyhopper
- The model that uses the most handtrucks will receive a secret prize pack. (Prize announced when winners are revealed.)