This contest ran from April 1, 2008 until May 2, 2008.
Iron Man. You know him. You love him. You wish LEGO would pick up the license and make toys based on him. But you also know that just isn't going to happen.
Iron Man. Cooler than Batman because he's completely bullet proof. And he can fly.
Iron Man. The basis for this month's contest. (So if you honestly don't know who Iron Man is, here's the Wiki on him.)
Over the years, Iron Man's armor has undergone a number of changes. It's been rebuilt, streamlined, melted-down, rebuilt again, modularized, customized and optimized.
One of the coolest ideas about Iron Man, though, is that he has prototype armor designed for special missions. He has a Deep Sea armor. Stealth armor. Space Armor. An armor designed to fight the Hulk. Heck, there's probably even a prototype somewhere of his EZ-Bake Oven Armor.
Your challenge this month is help Iron Man tackle a tough job by designing and building a Special Mission Armor Set.
What special mission? That's up to you. Maybe he's on an Ice Planet. Or fighting Ninjas. Or Pirates. Or Pirate-Ninjas. Maybe he's just having trouble cashing a check. Surprise us.
Click to view the WINNER'S GRID
Click to view the Entry Grid!
The Rules:
- At a minimum, your entry MUST contain a mech/hardsuit/armor worn or operated by a standard LEGO mini-figure.
- Clarification: If it looks like a suit of custom Iron Man armor, you're probably good to go. Models in scales other than LEGO Mini-figure are allowed, and the mini-figure itself can be assumed. This could be mini-land style (the bricks are the figure) or a customized mini-figure - or a more "traditional" mech build. If you're in doubt, email Chris and he'll give you a yea or nay.
- No Megabloks, please. Modified/custom LEGO parts are allowed.
- LDD or MLCad entries are welcome
- Models posted on-line prior to April 1, 2008 are not eligible for this contest
To Enter:
- Email bat_hero@hotmail.com the information on your creation. You will need to include the following:
- Your name/alias and email address
- A single photo of your model for use on the entry grid page. We will resize for you if needed, but try for something around 400x400 pixels in size.
- Any descriptive text you'd like to show on the entry grid
- A link to your Flickr, Brickshelf, Blog or other webpage that has additional photos. (This optional, but I recommend using more than one photo so we can better see your creation.)
- Entries must be received before 2:22 AM (Eastern Standard Time) on May 3, 2008 .
- You can enter as many times as you like, and international entries are welcome. However, only ONE prize can be won by a given individual. (See Judging, below.)
- If you have any questions about the contest in general, please see [this blog post.]
- Click to view the Entry Grid
- When it comes to Custom LEGO Weapons there are none better qualified to judge than Will Chapman, founder of

This Tony Stark of LEGO builders will be rating all entries on the key quality of Special Mission Functionality.
- Will and two other judges will also review each entry based on Playability and Creativity.
- Each category will be scored on a scale of 1-30. Highest total scores win.
- Winners will be announced by May 10th, 2008.
- In the case of a multiple win by a single person, that person shall have their pick of the prizes won, and the remaining loot will passed out to other contestants based on their scores.
Exo-Force theme is probably as close to
Iron Man as we'll get from LEGO for a while, so I've selected prizes from that line!
Prizes will be shipped without their exterior packaging to save on postage unless the winner chooses to make other arrangements.
- 1st Place: Hybrid
Rescue Tank (8118) + a full set of silver Series III weapons
from the new Brickarms mold
- 2nd Place :Chameleon Hunter (8114) +a full
set of silver Series III weapons from the new Brickarms mold
- 3rd Place: Assault Tiger (8113) +a full
set of silver Series III weapons from the new Brickarms mold
- 4th Place: River Dragon (8111) +a full
set of silver Series III weapons from the new Brickarms mold
- 5th Place: Cyclone Defender (8100)+a full
set of silver Series III weapons from the new Brickarms mold
WOW! Will Chapman is also donating a special prize to the model that scores highest on his Special Mission Functionality category!
- Brickarms SILVER Ultimate
Weapons Pack - All
31 BrickArms weapons - a '31 Gun Salute!'
- This bonus prize does not count towards the "one prize per person" rule.