Star Wars BLING
When we first meet the Snow Speeder it's already undergoing some modifications; they're being "adapted for the cold" of Hoth. So obviously "stock" on this particular model is a questionable state. Still, you have to start somewhere, so we'll treat Set 7130 as "Factory".
All in all, a very functional craft. Compact. Heavily armed. Not the best in terms of speed or maneuverability, though. But military efficiency doesn't spell "fun" or "sporty". The R-Type Snow Speeder (the Snowspeed-R) adds the chrome, detailing, and turbro-charge that were missing. The most obvious additions are the rear spoiler and the engine enhancements. What might escape a first glance are the custom "Scorpion" hood kit, chromed exhaust and sensor arrays, and the fact that the side aerofoils are actually dual-layered, creating a unique "side spoiler".