LEGO 2006 Advent Calendar - Day 6
You know, maybe it isn't such a strange thing that I wasn't able to figure out Loki's job back on day 4. LEGO advent sub-themes (I'd call them "leitmotifs" but I'm not sure that's a valid usage) tend to run three days - a mini figure, then two days worth of accessories. Loki started out with the flashlights used to guide in planes. Then, on Day 5, he got a hand cart and luggage to transport to and from the plane. And today he receives his full job title as "Member of Airport Security" with his own X-ray machine. As far as accessories go, this one is pretty nice - almost enough to make up for the banality of yesterday's offering. The best part is that this door came with two of the new "improved keyboard" tiles. Best part for me, anyway, as those keyboards are sure to find use in my own creations after we finish the Advent countdowns... And now, As the Brick Turns... Jack: Wow! Man! Look at all this stuff! It's awesome! Jack: It's like something out of the TSA handbook! I can't wait to start playing with this! I bet I can break it! Jack: What do you think, Handy? Isn't this stuff just the bomb?? Handy: I'd avoid making jokes about the TSA and Bombs so closely together, Jack. There seems to have been a bit of a mishap with the extras, though. Only one of them appears to have been welded to my tender body. These others are just ...lying there. Jack: Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Handy: Well, it's better than if they had tried to cram them up my butt or something. Those edges look pointy.