LEGO 2006 Advent Calendar - Day 18
Day 18 completes our "Police Force" trilogy. This nifty little speed trap accessory is our prize. You know, I hate speed traps. I'd much rather the police focus on capturing, oh, the reckless drivers, the drunk drivers, the morons talking on their cell phones rather than paying attention to the road, than sitting at the bottom of a steep hill trying to make a quota on tickets. But I'm not bitter. Merry @#$@#ing Christmas, LEGO Corporation. Joy to the world. Sorry. I'll be more cheerful tomorrow. Promise. The Conductor: I think...I think the reason Handy is still manifesting parts is because my sneak of a Boss has tied him directly into the Advent Stream. Dr. Sloehand: What? How? The Conductor: Just before your arrival, the Pylons recorded a huge temporal flux - one which added parts to Handy. That flux was in addition to the Non-Holiday realignment. From that point forward, Handy has been reacting to the Stream independant of the lenses. Handy: Oh, goodie. Are you telling me I'm a sleeper agent? The Conductor: I'm telling you...what I'm telling you I'm also telling Officer Grumpypants. That bastard never did trust me to handle things. Well, I've got a little time before he can rip though to this point in the Advent Stream. Doctor. Handy. We have work to do. Dotty: The Speed-Trapper will be the final member of our team. The Janitor: Man! I've never seen so many members of the Legion in one place before. Speed-Trapper: Hopefully you never will again. This sort of mobilization leaves our defenses weak in many other places. Grumpypants: Bad news - The Conductor spotted Duplicate Dot's merger with the Handy Jack mecha. We're going to have to move quick before he does something stupid. Jack: You didn't let him know about Duplicate Dot? Grumpypants: With the Conductor, the less he knows the better off you usually are. This time, though, it looks like my little plan has backfired.
Grumpypants: Okay. I'm going to open the portal and send us directly though the Advent Stream to the next Plot Point. Is everyone ready? The Janitor: I feel like I'm forgetting something... Grumpypants: A common feeling just before a jump. Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll keep. Jack: I sure hope you're right.