LEGO 2006 Advent Calendar - Day 1
Since this year's LEGO Advent Calendar has a "City" theme, it only makes sense that behind the first door of the Season we would find a little city-dweller. I've decided to name him "Jack Handy", as that shovel of his is sure to come in "handy" sometime in this year's adventure. Will Jack be the star of the show? Will he be a bit character? There's a hint that he needs to be important right from the start. You see...Jack comes to us from at least two days into the future. How do I know this? Well, because for some unknown reason Jack came with a little instruction sheet from LEGO. The front shows Jack escaping from confinement behind door number one. The reverse? Well, it shows the next two days worth of presents! Totally wrecking the reveal. LEGO is too smart to do that every three days, right? Right. So obviously, Jack comes from a point in time where the stuff behind the doors will be common knowledge. Since the note reveals through Day 3, Jack must be from at least that far ahead. I'm pretty sure about this.