LEGO 2005 Advent Calendar - Day 12
Say "Hello," to Trevor Rainman, or, as he prefers to be called "T." He comes complete with snazzy hat, two signal wands and an extra red 1x1 dot. I think I'll call the the extra bit "Dotty". Isn't she cute? How will T interact with the rest of the Advent Calendar, already in progress?
Officer Grumpypants: Hello. Are you the CSI Agent we called for? T. : Maybe. Officer Grumpypants: What's you're name? T: Trevor Rainman - but you can call me "T". Ace the Bathound: "MR. T"???? I LOVED THE A-TEAM! T: No, no, no. Just "T". Ace: *thinks for a moment* Ace: "T. Rainman"? As in .....Trainman? As in "Trainman the Batman Villain"? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr T: *backing away slowly* No - no - I put all that behind me! I'm on 100 hours of community service! Officer Grumpypants: As a CSI Agent??? "Trainman" sounds more like a porn name to me. T: I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be a PG-Rated Countdown, so I'm going with the CSI option. Officer Grumpypants: Fair enough. Officer Grumpypants: Well. Okay, let's see what you can do. We arrived at the crime scene and found this fellow, the Axe Wielding Maniac, in a state of severe decapitation. T: Hmmm. Let me wave these wands over him and see what I can find out..... MEANWHILE: *slurp munch chew* Man Eating Safe: Hey .....isn't that my old Sidekick, Trainman? To be Continued! Or maybe not! You never really know, do you?