Happy holidays, everyone. Thank you for reading.
I had intended for this to be the final Brick House comic…but I wanted to do some wrap up dialog and that didn’t really fit with what I wanted to say in today’s strip. So there will at least one more strip to say goodbye to this project, and a blog post or two about why I’ve finally decided to close the book on Whiskey and Scotch.
Thank you again, readers. You were a total pain in the ass sometimes, but I love you all anyway.
How’ve you guys been? Personally Ive been great. Nice to check up every now and again. Enjoying life Doyle?
Meh. STILL waiting for doyle to cough up the last blog and the final comics he promised
Still waiting huh?
anyone still here?
is he dead?
Or he’s too lazy to cough up the last of the promised material
After all these years…I saved the last bits for now. So I have to add: Thx for the stories and the work.
Hey Doyle, don’t know if you check this anymore but I hope you’ve enjoyed the past couple years. Cya next time when I do my yearly check on the site.
Yearly check ahoy!
Still waiting for him to cough up the promised content
Is anyone still here waiting? I used to love these comics. Whiskey ruining that Hannah Montana concert was one of the many hilarious stories I still remember.
Still waiting
Anyone still here? Just checking in.
My bookmark for this page is right under youtube’s in my list, so I come here accidentally every so often.
I’m guessing it’s just been abandoned. Too bad.
yearly check in :c Miss ya doyle <3
It’s now June 2019 and this cimic site is still here. How does Doyle do it?
May 2021. Still waiting for the final content promise
Crazy that you’re still here Sherrie, I remember your comments from back then. In the same place as you, making my yearly rounds. Hope you’re well!
This comic had a very good run. I feel that the commenters let Doyle down, because all they did was comment on whether Doyle was going to finish the comic. Well, that got done, just not how some commenters would have wanted it.
Doyle, whatever you’re doing with your life now, I salute you! You have been the guiding light in this comic while it was running, and you finished it to the best of your abilities. May you continue on with your RL activities, whatever they may be!