The DOT in
The Thin LineThe Thin LineThe Thin LineThe Thin Line Galaxy Ninja

Class of Bootleg Class 2 - Duplicated and Modified
Class Notes: Original Molds with new carving, new Logo and Line-Name
Bootleg Source: Kenner Batman Toys (Specif. Batman Forever Line) and Power Ranger Styling
Bootleg Rating: StarStarStarStar (Four out of five stars)
Sightings: USA
Vintage:Summer 1997

This five inch figure comes carded on a custom backboard. The card art proclaims the figure to be a Galaxy Ninja with Moveable Arms, Legs, Head. The card is printed on only one side, but the printing and artwork are realy quite nice. It's even nicer once you realize that the figure shown is a modified Tide-Racer Robin figure (from Batman Forever) with a Power Ranger head!

Galaxy Ninja Carded

Galaxy Ninja Logo

The figure enclosed, however, isn't based off of the Robin. Instead, we have a figure based off of the Fireguard Batman figure. I happen to have a Batmen Forever bootleg of the same figure for comparison:

Galaxy Ninja Figure Fireguard Batmen

As you can see, the body, arms and legs are identical. The head is aparently custom, but obviously based off of a Power-Ranger mold. Interestingly, the figure no longer is articulated at the waist as the Batman figure was. My guess is that since the Batman figure's waist was part of an action feature, it was removed to lower the production cost of the Galaxy Ninja.

The figure also comes with a yellow cape from the same mold as Quick-Change Robin, and two clear plastic weapons very similar in appearance to the ones carried by the Galaxy Cops.

Overall this bootleg could easily fit into either Class Two or Class Three. The use of the Batman Mold qualifies it as Class Two, but the total mixing of elements (as well as the hot-pink coloration and saturn -bat symbol) make it hard to identify as a Batman spin-off. All in all, a creative use of available molds!

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