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Entry #1 By: takua777
the steam flier.
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Rank |
16 |
16 |
17 |
20th (Tie) |
Entry #2 By: Ian Healy
The Danger Group
From: The Marvelous Inventions of Dr. Thomas Danger
Entry #3 By:Ian Healy
The Steam Chevaline
The Steam Chevaline is a steam-powered horse. Instead of requiring food, medicine, or veterinary care, the Chevaline only needs water and a source of fuel to burn - Dr. Danger recommends coke. Capable of achieving speeds of nearly fourteen miles per hour, the Chevaline can travel for an hour per full tank of water if fuel is readily available. Without requiring rest or recuperation, the Chevaline is limited only by the stamina of the rider and the availability of fuel and water.
From: The Marvelous Inventions of Dr. Thomas Danger
Entry #4 By:Ian Healy
The Danger Dicycle
The Danger Dicycle is Dr. Danger's greatest accomplishment: a steam-powered vehicle capable of traversing nearly any terrain at velocities exceeding the fastest locomotives. It has room for a driver, passenger, and engineer, as well as space for cargo. The allotment of the vehicle's body weight allows it to remain safely suspended between the large wheels without tilting forward or backward.
From: The Marvelous Inventions of Dr. Thomas Danger
Playability |
Creativity |
Steampunk Style |
Rank |
25 |
20 |
20 |
5th |
Entry #5 By: darthperson8
Here is my entry, a boat like thing.
My gallery, (Photobucket), includess a picture of the pieces (50). If you turn the back knob, the propellors spin.
Entry #6 By: Baz
a factory scene
Full entry posted here
Entry #7 By: Baz
Thomas The Tank
Full entry posted here.
Entry #8 By: Dave The Rave
Flickr Gallery
(Be sure to check out the comic strip explaining the craft!)
Entry #9 By: Terry's Clockwork Orange
The Steam Organ
In 1865 Dr Hamilton Goodwin developed a machine to compete with that of his arch rival and fellow mechanical engineer, Charles Babbage. Dr Goodwin's machine, built around an old church organ, was designed to calcute advanced mathmatical sums by hitting the keys of the organ in sequence. The answer to the sum was then printed from a slot in the organ's rear.
Beneath the wooden shell of the organ were various analytical engines and procesing units, all given a boost in power by a steam-compression tank located behind the organ. Rumour has it that during the many years Goodwin spent perfecting the machine he added a number of devices inside the organ including a cooling fan, several more steam chambers and even a cage containing several mice.
Sadly, despite making the Steam Organ his life work, Goodwin failed to gain any fame or acceptance due to the machine's tendency to mis-calculate sums. It was also common for the print-out to read gibberish rather than the actual answer, such as the infamous incident when Goodwin showed the organ to Queen Victoria and it printed out a sheet which read '786TRAPPED! 01000101010!!?!>>NOT AMUSED WE ARE NOT 0111!'
Goodwin died alone in 1880 and the organ was donated to the local scrap merchant.
Flickr Gallery
Entry #10 By: Terry's Clockwork Orange
The Chuggernaut!
The British Steam Force contains hundreds of these basic walking machines, often used by colonial troops to keep order in the various corners of the Empire.
Nicknamed the Chuggernaut by the soldiors, due to the 'chug' sound produced by its boiler, the machine has the capacity to carry two men and a small amount of cargo. It is powerd by a small boiler located behind the pilots, from which highly pressurised steam is used to power the legs and arms. Several exausts build behind the cockpit stop overheating.
While the Chuggernaut is neither very fast nor well armed, it does provide transportation for colonial troops in the various towns and cities of the empire. Several Chuggernauts have also been adapted by wealthy citizens as private vehicles for travel around London's busy pedestrian districts.
God save the Queen!
Flickr Gallery
Playability |
Creativity |
Steampunk Style |
Rank |
19 |
20 |
23 |
7th |
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