More fighting on the first floor.

Turn 7

Player O’s daily swag is a keyboard set.

Mini Rock Band

Player B:  “Great, she’s going to start playing Rock Band and get all distracted.”

CraneCat moves up

The CraneCat moves up.

Pushing the Kit Along

Player O changes her mind about leaving the Drummer Girl at base and begins the slow drag to the Emporium. Tommy remains outside.

And inside…

“Frosty attacks Blackie again. SWEEP ATTACK!”

...and STAY down!

A roll of 6 knocks Blackie out!

Player B receives needed reinifigure reinforcements this round.

Angry Queen

“I got a Queen!  You can tell she’s a Queen – she’s all angry! I got a frog, too!”

Queen on the Move

“She gets a sword. And the cart. ”

I can see you!

The Knight (“MaceMan”) arrives at the Emporium and peers inside.

Not so down for the count!


A roll of four makes it so!


“And the frog?”
“He’s chillin’ back at base.”

That’s it for Turn #7.

Tomorrow, faithful readers, the carnage really begins.
