Both Player B and Player O have reached the Grand Emporium. What ever could happen next?

Digging in to Day 5

Player O started out her turn by retrieving her daily mini-kit. This time it’s a drum set. Not very useful for combat.

Player O backlot

Player O claims to “have a plan” for the drum kit, though. So we’ll see.

For now, it joins the toy crane and the skate ramp in the Player O staging area.

Frosty Checks out the goods

Frosty opens the back door and enters the first floor! Due to the cramped quarters, it’s decided that a character can move to anywhere on the same floor in a single turn.

That was quick

Tommy, meanwhile, has already reached the back door. That double-movement skateboard is a thing of wonder.

“Does Tommy do anything else at this point?”
“No…he just waits there.”

Useful diagram is useful

Player B, meanwhile, has scored her first vehicle of the Calendar – a cart with spears. It’s not the most intuitive of builds; luckily there’s a little diagram printed on the inside of the door on how to put it together.

Build Build Build

Sadly, there are no mini-figures left at base to get on the cart.

Knight on the run

Player B has decided that the Knight is too close to come back to base, so he continues his dash for the front doors of the Emporium.

Fancy Meeting you here!

And then….it happens. Blackie uses his action to activate the revolving door…and heads inside.

“I throw my hammer at his head!”
“You’ll have to wait for next turn.”

Hindsight is 20/20 – Player B *could* have used her heroic action to attack. But none of us caught it at the time. Whoops.

So…no harm done. Until tomorrow’s round, anyway.