Both Player B and Player O are closing in on the Grand Emporium – will today be the first strike?
Turn 4
Player O starts out her round by claiming the day’s Mini-set…and today there are a lot of little pieces to put together.
“I’m not sure what this is.”
“It’s a toy crane. Well, a toy toy-crane. A mini version.”
“Can it move?”
“Um. Sure. 1/2 movement on it’s own. Full movement if someone else is driving.”
And that, boys and girls, is called “making it up as you go.”
Player O has placed Tommy on his skateboard (and replaced his hat with the helmet) and send him speeding towards the center of the table. Since he’s on a vehicle, he gets two sticks worth of distance from his move.
Frosty manages to reach the back door of the Grand Emporium!
“Can he go inside?”
“Not until next turn – you’re out of movement.”
Player B opens her Calendar’s door to find….
A knight! A knight with a mace!
“Wait! TWO maces! Can I use them both?”
“You only get the one attack – and what if you need to pick something up?”
“One mace it is, then.”
And thus Player B’s Knight moved out to battle.
Blackie, meanwhile, reached the sidewalk in front of the Grand Emporium. Our foes are moments away from meeting each other.
Tomorrow: First Contact
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