Frosty’s on the Move.

Turn Eighteen

(Nearly) Naked and Wet

“It’s a showering Santa”
“What sort of game IS THIS?”

A Dukes of Hazzard Exit

Frosty steals the blue scooter from the toy room, then HEROICALLY SMASHES THROUGH THE THIRD FLOOR WINDOW!

Stuntman Landing

A roll of 5 shows he and the scooter survive the fall!

BreadBabe takes her plate and leaps from the 2nd floor and survives as well. Meanwhile….

“This bread the BreadBabe dropped…I think it’s magic.”
“Yes. And when you eat it, you can teleport.”
“Fair enough…but the bread stays behind when the eater ports out.”

Magic Bread?

CraneCat partakes of the Magic Bread and teleports back to Player O’s base!

Bad aim

The Bomber, out of bombs, kamikazes towards Blackie. The roll is a 2 – the plane crashes in front of him causing no damage at all.

Strangers in the night

The rest of Player O’s forces continue to move; the early characters towards base, the Robots heading for the Emporium.

Showering Santa users the Potter-Porter and rolls a one! Player B calls the teleport location now….

Up on the rooftop...

…And ShoweringSanta ends up stranded on the billboard on the Emporium’s roof.


Player B, having nothing but a cookpot and apple to enhance her forces this turn, resorts to some mundane actions.

Stand up, MaceMan!

First up, a HEROIC REVIVE of MaceMan.


Blackie Moves inside the Emporium.

At last!

Skelly also reaches the Emporium.

Dropping off a hat

The queen moves back to base and unloads the hat. The CHAOS PIG and Barmaid continue toward the Emporium.

Maybe tomorrow the CHAOS PIG will have something to do. But I wouldn’t count on it.

TURN 18 Player O Player B
Items At Base Female Manikin, Red Gem, Red Gem, Green Box Tophat, Blue Pants, Blue Bottle, Blue Hat