#989 – A Toy Story Jul28 by Christopher Doyle on July 28, 2010 at 12:00 am Chapter: 5.08 - Army Building I blame Mythbusters for the concept that all illegal aliens come from Canada.
Ha ha, the ‘law’. I was partially right!
Great, now all we need are some MIB types to show up with a ‘deneuralizer’ or whatever. LOL!
@Geoffrey How do you know they already haven’t?
Having just seen Toy Story 3 -and- a marathon of Mythbusters, I find that very, very funny.
*headdesk* Chris… *headesk* …with a side of slack-jawed LOL.
What torso is used for the alien?
The one from the spongebob bus set I bet (Wait alien bus driver using a bus driver torso?)
That’s… just… mad… But I like Pixar references.
Wait why is there a desert on the way to Canada??
@THOTH – Palliser’s Triangle, south of Alberta/north of Montana, is pretty arid.
Re: illegal aliens from Canada – extraterrestrial-Canadians are an important portion of the Canadian Mosaic.
11 more strips to go!
and then probably a drunken fight in a bar.
…… :3
I love the quote the alien said! 😉