#1342 – My mind, I can feel it going.
Luka’s first full appearance was in episode 16 – she was just a voice on an intercom in 15. That makes episode 15 more collectible, though, right?
Luka’s first full appearance was in episode 16 – she was just a voice on an intercom in 15. That makes episode 15 more collectible, though, right?
Wow… Luka’s head rolls out of the box. You been watching Game of Thrones, Doyle?
Nope. I haven’t read or watched Game of Thrones. But a head-in-a-box is a pretty established trope, regardless….
I haven’t watched it yet, but it’s a pretty good read if you have time for five 1000-page books.
Whiskey, as usual, is totally losing it! I wonder if he gets tazed again? 😀
In the TV version of Reasonably Clever, Nubbin will be voiced by Salome Jens. 😛
wait, nubbin’s a girl!?
That makes the porn scene a bit more awkward…to me.
Anyway, I’m wondering how this came about…
Well, Luka died at the same time Whiskey and Scotch did, only her afterlife doesn’t seem to be going as well.
Oh, Nubbin is a descendant of Hal?!! G8, w3 r !n tr0ub73 4cr055 th3 g70b3 😀