#1235 – Hand to Hand Nov03 by Christopher Doyle on November 3, 2011 at 12:00 am Chapter: 8.00 - Death Is Just The Beginning Ut oh.
Ninja death stare…It can be fatal. 😛 Compensation for missing two or three days worth of comics is nice though.
well, there goes the comic…
It was bound to happen eventually. Whiskey doesn’t know when to shut up, heh.
If he did know when to shut up, this comic would be very easy to draw: Four blank panels, each and every time! 😀
I think Whiskey might have a plan.
Whiskey? A plan? In the same sentence?
Yes. I think he is secretly good at the game. And he will now trounce death. That was his plan.
Or he really does suck at it, but wants to sacrifice himself for everyone else.
Yeah, probably not.
But since Whiskey is part zombie anyway, would he have some sort of built-in advantage? Kinda like an immunity to death?
Granted, it’s not like you can build up an immunity to death like you can to iocane powder… but still…
Isn’t Donut a thyme lord still. Shouldn’t he have just regenerated instead of dying or food I miss something.
Time lords can have their regeneration disabled, as seen in episode “Lets Kill Hitler”